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Home » How to delete a website from GOOGLE ANALYTICS (new layout)

How to delete a website from GOOGLE ANALYTICS (new layout)

How to delete a website from GOOGLE ANALYTICS (new layout).

Follow these simple steps if you no longer wish to have the site listed in your account:

1. Login to your account and click ADMIN in the top right corner.

2. Click the NAME of the ‘property’. In my example it is the website url.

3. This takes you in to ‘PROFILES’ for this url. Click on the NAME again. In my example again the name is the url.


5. Click DELETE THIS PROFILE, bottom right corner.

6. Click DELETE PROFILE button to confirm.

(Note: This will stop the site from being present in your Analytics account. It will NOT stop Google from recording statistics. To stop tracking visitors with Google Analytics be sure to remove the tracking code from your website as well.)

Let me know if you have any questions and i will be happy to help where i can.

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Name: BlogOwner

Short Bio: "The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."

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